HTML as graphs: HTML2GDL now supports GraphViz

GraphViz - neato layout

A month ago I’ve written HTML2GDL script that creates the graph of a html file/url for aiSee graph layout software. Recently I found another graph package GraphViz, and I decided to add support for DOT language into HTML2GDL. GraphViz and aiSee have different layout algorithms. I wanted to compare the graphs produced by similar layouts offered by both packages and try the new ones available to GraphViz only (the radial and circular layouts).

A new command line parameter was introduced: --engine=[GraphViz, aiSee], the default is aiSee, so don’t forget to use html2gdl as follows: --engine=GraphViz --url= --graph=output.gv

Download the HTML2GDL script: 7KB / Version: 1.0; Date: February 15, 2009

For information on HTML2GDL usage read HTML as graphs: the HTML2GDL application.

I’ll provide a few graph samples and screenshots at first. Let’s see the graphs of

> perl --engine=GraphViz --url= --node-radius=size --node-color=tag --graph=graphviz1_left.gv
> neato -Tpng -ograph1.png graphviz1_left.gv

GV source (The graph on the left)

> perl --engine=GraphViz --url= --node-radius=level --node-color=size --graph=graphviz1_center.gv
> neato -Tpng -ograph2.png graphviz1_center.gv

GV source (The graph in the middle)

> perl --engine=GraphViz --url= --node-radius=level --node-color=tag --graph=graphviz1_right.gv
> dot -Tpng -ograph3.png graphviz1_right.gv

GV source (The graph on the right)

Neato layout (color=tag)

Neato layout (color=tag)

Neato layout (color=size)

Neato layout (color=size)

Dot layout (radius=level)

Dot layout (radius=level)

A few command line options were introduced for –engine=GraphViz:

--edge-len-min=float default: 0.15
--edge-len-max=float default: 0.8
The length of an edge varies in the [edge-len-min .. edge-len-max] interval depending on node level. The deeper the nodes, the shorter the edge. The length of an edge gradually decreases with its length up to --edge-len-max-level. Below that level all edges will have len=--edge-len-min.
By default: --edge-len-max-level=9.

You can also control the labels of the nodes:

  • 0: no labels
  • 1: nodes are labeled with their tag names: ‘p’, ‘span’
  • 2: css ID and class will be added to the tag: ‘’

Note that in the default graph header node[fixedsize=true] is specified. It means that the size of a node doesn’t depend on the length of its label.

Here is a list of graph attributes that you might find useful, refer to GraphViz documentation for more info:

  • maxiter: Sets the number of iterations used;
  • model: This value specifies how the distance matrix is computed for the input graph;
  • mode: Technique for optimizing the layout;
  • nodesep: Minimum space between two adjacent nodes in the same rank, in inches;
  • size: Maximum width and height of drawing, in inches;
  • overlap: Determines if and how node overlaps should be removed;
  • outputorder: Specify order in which nodes and edges are drawn: [breadthfirst, nodesfirst, edgesfirst];
  • size: Maximum width and height of drawing, in inches. Note that there is some interaction between the size and ratio attributes;
  • ratio: Sets the aspect ratio (drawing height/drawing width) for the drawing. Note that this is adjusted before the size attribute constraints are enforced;
  • root: This specifies node/nodes to be used as the center of the layout and the root of the generated spanning tree. Important for circo and twopi layouts.

In the documentation about overlap, I read about overlap=”ipsep”, but the following options used with neato layout didn’t worked. Neato issued a Warning: Unhandled adjust option ipsep.

graph HMTL {

By setting overlap="false";, node overlaps are removed by a Voronoi-based technique. But it rather distorts the graph instead of making it look more attractive. Compare the graphs of the left one doesn’t have an overlap specified (the default). The graph on the right has overlap=false;.

default neato layout

default neato layout

neato: overlap=false

neato: overlap=false

Be aware that in aiSee node dimensions are in pixels, while for GraphViz these are in inches. If nodes will be bigger than the edges’ length (for ex. --radius-size=20 along with the default --edge-len-max=0.9), it will require more time (and sometimes it can last forever) to render the graph.

GraphViz can draw a graph using the following laouts:

  • dot: The default GraphViz layout for directed graph layouts;
  • neato: For undirected graph layouts – spring model;
  • twopi: For undirected graph layouts – radial;
  • circo: For undirected graph layouts – circular;
  • fdp: For undirected graph layouts – force directed spring model.

I read the docs carefully, but didn’t find how to control the edges’ length for fdp layout. The resulting PNG images had widths/heights bigger then 3000px. Here is a resized fdp output (left image) with the same graph rendered by neato in the middle. url: The same graph is displayed on the right using the twopi layout.

fdp layout

fdp layout

neato layout

neato layout

twopi layout

twopi layout

GV source

For more information on HTML2GDL usage read HTML as graphs: the HTML2GDL application.

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